Non-compliance of the government


  • That the Government again failed to comply with its agreements by not issuing immediately the letters of invitation to the international Human Rights organizations: General Secretary of the Organization of American States, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the European Union, as agreed by the plenary of the National Dialogue on June 15, 2018. This is crucial to make stop the repression and bloodshed, and that is guaranteed an independent investigation and the security of the citizens.
  • That the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, today, during his inaugural speech of the 38th session of the Human Rights Council, condemned the violence in Nicaragua and stated that he expects the Nicaraguan Government to fulfill its commitments of June 15th during the resumption of the National Dialogue, including the immediate cessation of all forms of violence and the invitation, without delay from his office to visit the country, according to pressrelease.
  • The continuous repression and intimidation by the Government and its parapolice corps against the people of Nicaragua, increasing every day the number of dead people, injured and kidnapped.
  • The repeated signs of lack of will on the part of the Government to stop the repression and demobilize the parapolice forces, being a condition expressed by the Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua (CEN) to establish this process of Dialogue and ratified by the IACHR in its preliminary report of the May 21st that urges the State of Nicaragua to cease repression immediately.

We make the people of Nicaragua and the international community acknowledge

  • The suspensions today of the Electoral and Judicial work tables and the Verification and Security Commission. Tomorrow we will reincorporate to the National Dialogue and we will demand the fulfillment of what was agreed as an indispensable condition to continue dialoguing.

We Ratify

  • Our support for the Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua and our commitment to the National Dialogue as the only way to get to an end this repression of the people and the search for a Nicaragua with Justice, Security and Democracy for all.
  • The reiterated commitment of the Civic Alliance, in creating the conditions for the National Dialogue to achieve its objective of Justice and Democracy and our commitment to seek a peaceful solution through this instance.

University and Civil Society Coalition
Caribbean Coast
National Council in Defense of Our Land, Lake and Sovereignty – Country Movement
Civil society

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