The Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy rejects the unfounded accusations of which they are victims: Byron José Corea Estrada, Christopher Nairobi Olivas Valdivia, Luis Arnulfo Hernández Quiroz, and Juan Pablo Alvarado Martínez, students of the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN -León); as well as Yaritza Yudith Rostrán Mairena, Víctor Manuel Obando Valverde and Levis Josué Artola Rugama, from UNAN-Managua.

The police of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo today presented these young people publicly as criminals, accusing them disproportionately of the crimes of terrorism, homicide, kidnapping and robbery with intimidation, after having detained them unfairly and arbitrarily last Saturday while marching peacefully through the city of León.

We know that the National Police has lost total credibility among Nicaraguans for being biased to the interests of the Ortega-Murillo regime before and during this crisis, so that, their expert opinions as an investigative body are incoherent, inconsistent and totally null.

Once again, we condemn the fact that the ortegists authorities want to criminalize the civic protest and with it subdue their leaders.

We admire the courage with which students in defense of their rights have sustained this fight
for more than 4 months.

The Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy (ACJD) it´s conformed by a group of diverse and heterogeneous citizens and organizations, including students, members of the business sector, countrymen movement, academics, human rights activists and citizens of autonomous regions convoked

Managua, August 29 th , 2018

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