Together we are a volcano

We want to invite Nicaraguans to take up the streets again to keep alive our civic fight and claim back our constitutional right to peacefully protest, sheltered by the blue and white flag.

Because the streets are of the people, we invite you to join us for a Civic Stand Up this Wednesday, July 4th at 11:00 in the morning, from a roundabout to a roundabout, starting at the Rubén Dario roundabout and ending at the Jean Paul Genie roundabout.

Because it is #ProhibidoOlvidar (#Forbidden to Forget) lets go to the March «Together we are a Volcano», next Saturday July 7th at 10:00 a.m. in Managua, which will have replicas in the different departments so that Nicaraguans retake the streets of their municipalities, dressed in patriotic colors.

Fight that also carries a permanent denunciation of violations of Human Rights.
As National Alliance we can not remain silent on the face of the abuses that occur in El Chipote, for which we demand the release of political prisoners and their closure. El Chipote has become a symbol of torture and pain for Nicaraguans.

For the more than 285 brothers and sisters killed, we return to the streets and we thank each and every one of the Nicaraguans that inside and outside the country maintain the fight for justice and democracy in Nicaragua.

University and Civil Society Coalition
Caribbean coast
National Council in Defense of Our Land, Lake and Sovereignty – Countrymen Movement
Civil society

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