Because our fight is fair, civic and peaceful!

The Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy (ACJD), as a group of diverse and heterogeneous citizens and organizations convoked by the Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua (CEN) to participate in the National Dialogue, today makes its own the clamor of the people and we announce a series of concerted actions three days in a row to tell Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo to leave!

We have decided not only to march, but also to make a National Strike and join a caravan through the neighborhoods of Managua. For this reason we have reprogrammed the march «Together We are a Volcano» for Thursday, July the 12th at 10:00 am, starting from the Roundabout Cristo Rey towards the traffic lights of Auto Lote el Chele, then towards the monument to Alexis Argüello, ending in the Jean Paul Genie roundabout. We will not leave the streets, because the streets belong to the people!

Immediately afterwards, as a united Nicaragua, we called for a National Strike for 24 hours on Friday, July the 13th, demanding Daniel Ortega’s response on the advancement of elections to return the Nicaraguan people their freedom. His lack of will is the blockage that leaves us without a clear exit to the crisis that every day leaves more dead people, kidnapped, crippled, injured, missing and vulnerable to fall into poverty. Finally, we will join the caravan that will be held in Managua on Saturday, July the 14th and which route we will be announcing soon.

All these activities are being developed by the hand of a series of organizations that are also in this fight, because it is forbidden to forget! Forbidden to forget the sacrifice of the hundreds of Nicaraguans whose blood has been shed!

Forbidden to forget the mourning mothers! United Nicaragua doesn’t forget! We call on Nicaraguans from all departments
to join these actions.

University and Civil Society Coalition
Caribbean Coast
National Council in Defense of Our Land, Lake and Sovereignty – Countrymen Movement
Civil Society

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