Day 131

Villagers and self-convoked doctors hold a demonstration in Managua to demand the release of political prisoners and call for the halt to illegal detentions made by the National Police together with paramilitary groups.

Government of Nicaragua unleashes raid on protesters. At least 32 people captured in Carazo, León, Matagalpa and Managua, 12 of them are still detained.

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) denounces arbitrariness in the treatment of political prisoners who remain in the maximum security cells in the National Penitentiary System.

Relatives of university students illegally detained in Leon and transferred to the cells of El Chipote, demand their immediate release.

Dozens of people participate in the global vigil against repression in Latin America in Barcelona, Spain organized by the Un Mundo sin Mordaza group to which they join more than forty cities from all over the world.

National Police releases the doctor José Antonio Vásquez and the lawyer Francisco Ortega, who were illegally detained in the cells of El Chipote since the afternoon of this Saturday.

Nine political prisoners from Estelí were transferred to Managua to be tried for terrorism, organized crime, manufacturing, trafficking, possession and use of restricted weapons, among other crimes.

Efraín Suarez, deputy manager of Economic Studies of the Central Bank of Honduras, assures that the textile industries are returning to their country due to the sociopolitical crisis in Nicaragua.

Salvador Marenco, lawyer of the Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights (Cenidh), reports that the Public Prosecutor’s Office has not followed up on the complaints from relatives of 69 victims of the regime.

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