Day 122

Government denies information to international experts. The Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI) requests the Government to provide, as soon as possible, unconditional access to the documentation on the acts of violence that have occurred in Nicaragua since April.

The Union of Agricultural Producers of Nicaragua (Upanic) estimates losses at US $ 16.4 million because of invasions to private properties.

Correspondent of the News Action 10 in Jinotega denounces that suffers political persecution and threat by the National Police.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) postpones a visit to Managua, after the Government announced the readjustment to the General Budget of the Republic, as a consequence of the country’s sociopolitical crisis.

AmCham, Cosep, Faganic, Upanic and Funides adhere and support the Letter for the beginning of peace, sent by the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy to President Daniel Ortega.

The reform of the General Budget of the Republic, cuts resources that were destined to 79 non-profit organizations.

CPDH denounces intimidation to Medardo Mairena’s children. Julio Montenegro, lawyer of the Permanent Commission of Human rights (CPDH), assures that Mairena told him that they are intimidating his three children.

More than 100 religious institutions in Nicaragua, between Catholics and Evangelicals, suffer cuts in the budget they receive from the State.

The Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy demands to the State to free the hundreds of people arbitrarily detained on unfounded charges. It also calls for the criminalization of those who participate peacefully in demonstrations to cease.

Video and witness contradict the Prosecutor’s Office in case Gahona. The accusatory thesis of the Prosecutor Office against Brandon Lovo Taylor and Glen Slate is reverted when was cheeked on one of the 36 videos; that the defendants were not in the place from where the shot that ended Gahona’s life was made.

Feminist movements, LGTBIQ collectives, human rights defenders and various activists from social movements propose several actions to contribute to the seeking of solutions to the crisis.

They Dismiss workers of UNAN-León. At least a dozen workers were dismissed at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN), León.

Autonomous Movement of Women denounces that 22 women are being judicialized and making them responsible for crimes they have not committed. «The whole town already knows who committed those crimes.»

Daniel Ortega benefits his family interests with the budget super reform. Four institutions receive millionaire increases while affecting with reductions the ministries of Education and Health.

They collect signatures to demand «justice and reparation for the victims of the coup and terrorism, and jail for the guilty of the mourning, destruction and irreversible damages of the Nicaraguan families».

March «Nothing is normal here». The Independent Civil Movement in conjunction with the National Movement April 19 convokes a march tomorrow Saturday from the Roundabout Jean Paul Genie to the Roundabout Christ the King, in Managua.

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