Day 88

[vc_row type=»in_container» full_screen_row_position=»middle» scene_position=»center» text_color=»dark» text_align=»left» overlay_strength=»0.3″ shape_divider_position=»bottom»][vc_column column_padding=»no-extra-padding» column_padding_position=»all» background_color_opacity=»1″ background_hover_color_opacity=»1″ column_shadow=»none» column_border_radius=»none» width=»1/1″ tablet_text_alignment=»default» phone_text_alignment=»default» column_border_width=»none» column_border_style=»solid»][vc_column_text]Transferred to the Cathedral of Managua Students who took refuge in the Divina Misericordia parish. Paramilitary groups shot them for almost 20 hours.

Caravan of self-convoked villagers to the UNAN Managua to demand the release of the people besieged in the Divina Misericordia church.

Two dead and 16 injured in a brutal attack by paramilitary groups on students entrenched in the UNAN.

Blue and white caravan convoked by the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy runs through the neighborhoods of Managua to demand justice and democracy in the country.

Paramilitary groups attack the road blockages at the junction in San Pedro de Lóvago, Chontales and injure the brother of Medardo Mairena, leader of the Countrymen Movement.

Government of Mexico condemns the use of lethal force against students and civilians who were at the facilities of the UNAN-Managua.

Government of Brazil regrets attack by security forces and paramilitaries against students of UNAN Managua.

Republican Senator Marco Rubio, says that the response of the Government of Nicaragua to early elections is more violence, so it is clear the path they chose.

Supporters of the ruling party attack La Merced church in Granada.

Paramilitary groups shoot relatives of detainees in El Chipote, after two hostages managed to escape.

The delegation of the European Union in Nicaragua expresses its concern about the attack on students of the UNAN Managua and journalists and calls on the government to accompany the words of peace and reconciliation with concrete facts.

The Apostolic Nuncio in Nicaragua, Waldemar Stanislaw Sommertag, urges the government and the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy to revive the National Dialogue to overcome the crisis that the country is going through.

Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes, Archbishop of Managua and president of the Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua (CEN), affirms that «we are all in danger».

UN Human Rights indicates that the arbitrary detention of leader Medardo Mairena is a way to criminalize the work of human rights defenders.

Students from the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering of UNAN Managua send their condolences to the families of their murdered classmates and hold UNEN responsible for the entry of paramilitary groups into the university campus.

Government of Costa Rica condemns the use of lethal force against UNAN students and civilians and assures that next Monday they will show their concern to the secretary of the UN and later in the CELAC-EU.

Paramilitary groups attack a blue and white caravan and shoot a woman in Granada.

Mauricio Macri, president of Argentina sends support to the people of Nicaragua and hopes that peace, democracy and freedom will soon be imposed.

Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua (CEN) assure that there is no political will of the government to dialogue and seek real processes to achieve democracy.

The Government of Panama condemns the violence in Nicaragua, repudiates the attack on UNAN Managua students and exhorts the Nicaraguan government to use dialogue to find a peaceful solution to the crisis

The Government of Peru condemns the acts of violence in Nicaragua and asks the government to resume the path of dialogue and comply with the recommendations of the IACHR.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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