Day 52

[vc_row type=»in_container» full_screen_row_position=»middle» scene_position=»center» text_color=»dark» text_align=»left» overlay_strength=»0.3″ shape_divider_position=»bottom»][vc_column column_padding=»no-extra-padding» column_padding_position=»all» background_color_opacity=»1″ background_hover_color_opacity=»1″ column_shadow=»none» column_border_radius=»none» width=»1/1″ tablet_text_alignment=»default» phone_text_alignment=»default» column_border_width=»none» column_border_style=»solid»][vc_column_text]Radio Nicaragua is partially burned by unknown people.

According to numbers by the Central Bank of Nicaragua (BCN) in the National Financial System continue to fall. From April 18th to May 30th, US$ 400 million have been withdrawn, mostly in savings.

Raúl Alfaro, President of the Association of Freight Carriers in El Salvador confirmed that at least 6,000 cargo trucks are trapped in Nicaragua.

Neyibe Acevedo y Medardo Mairena, members of the Peasant movement in a television interview say they will remain firm from the roadblocks to demand justice and demand the resignation of President Daniel Ortega.

The Government of Costa Rica announced that it will grant diplomatic courtesy visas to those who are accredited to the Government of Nicaragua and are recognized by the Costa Rican Government.

Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the OAS, asked the State of Nicaragua for protection for student leaders of the protests, and for the widow of journalist Ángel Gahona.

Rosario Murillo, Vice-president of Nicaragua, in her noon appearance, said that the meeting with the bishops of the Episcopal Conference (CEN) yesterday «marks the horizon of dialogue in our country.»

Citizen reports denounce that they are changing the Wi-Fi identifier of the domiciliary services by setting «REMOVE THE ROADBLOCKS». Claro in a statement says that the internet service is susceptible to external incidents.

The Central American Federation of the Dairy Sector (Fecalac) condemns the repression of the Nicaraguan people and urges the government authorities to comply with the measures of the IACHR.

The Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy reaffirms that the National Dialogue is part of the integral struggle of the Nicaraguan people, reiterate their confidence in the Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua and their willingness to return to the plenary table of the Dialogue.

The Brazilian government condemns violence and intimidation against the civilian population and urges the government to resume the national dialogue led by the Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua.

The United States government recommends that its citizens not travel to Nicaragua due to the escalation of violence and orders the departure of the relatives of their diplomats based in the country.

Jorge Raschke, President of the evangelical church Clamor de Dios International ministry, criticizes the work of the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference.

The Nicaraguan Evangelical Alliance communicates that Reverend Raschke has not been invited by them, nor has he met with them, consequently his opinion on this crisis is personal and does not represent the opinion of the evangelical people.

The rating agency S&P Global Ratings put the Nicaraguan economy «in a negative perspective» and warns that if the crisis continues it will lower the rating of the sovereign debt, which still remains in B+.

Epsy Campbell, First Vice President and Chancellor of the Republic of Costa Rica announces that they have activated an inter-institutional commission to address the crisis in Nicaragua.

US Congressmen send a letter to the Secretary General of the OAS urging him to take a firmer stand on the crisis in Nicaragua.

The Union of Latin American Parties (UPLA) demands that the repression against the disarmed population stop, supports the report of the IACHR and the students who lead the rebellion for justice and democracy in Nicaragua.

Public Ministry of Nicaragua reports 40 complaints with facts related to the protests.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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