Day 120

Thousands of Nicaraguans participate in the march organized by the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy, the Countrymen Movement and other organizations, to demand that they release some 200 people who are arbitrarily detained.

Judge of Managua classifies as complex legal process the one of four citizens of Diriamba, Carazo accused of terrorism, with this figure they can spend up to one year in preventive detention.

Authorities of the courts of Managua deny access to the delegation of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (CIDH).

Supporters of the government party paint and besiege the house of journalist Gerall Chávez of Canal 14.

Bishops of the Archdiocese of Managua assure that “God will provide» in the face of the 50% reduction of the budget for their social work by the Government of Nicaragua.

The joint mission of the Inter-American Press Association (IAPA) and Reporters Without Borders (RSF) demands that the Government of Nicaragua stop the aggression, intimidation and threats against journalists.

Jorge Lomónaco, Mexican ambassador to the OAS, assures that the 12 countries that make up the working group for Nicaragua already have the plan that seeks to hold talks with all the actors involved, especially the Government of Nicaragua.

Roberto Rock, president of the Press Freedom and Opinion Commission of the IAPA, indicates that «in Nicaragua there is a very important regression of freedom of expression.»

Initial hearing against the leaders of the Countrymen Movement, Medardo Mairena, Pedro Mena and Silvio Pineda in the Courts of Managua is held behind closed doors and with strong police protection.

Relatives of political prisoners carry out a stand up protest out of the Courts of Managua.

Rosario Murillo, vice president of Nicaragua considers that the opponents of the regime «are a little few that from the comfort of their offices, their personal lives are opposed to the common good.»

The Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy, through a proclamation, demands to the State to comply with the Law and that there be procedural guarantees for all political prisoners.

The National Assembly approves a law that will allow the State to issue bonds to face any type of threat, both internal and external, to guarantee stability in the financial system.

Self-convoked villagers march in Nueva Segovia and Nueva Guinea to demand the freedom of the leaders of the Countrymen Movement Medardo Mairena and Pedro Mena.

The Government of Nicaragua declares that it will not allow access to the OAS working group into the country and qualifies it as an «interventionist» and directed by the Government of the United States.

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