Day 109

Self-convocated citizens march in Managua on support the dismissed doctors because of treating the wounded in paramilitary and police attacks.

The Permanent Commission of Human Rights (CPDH) denounces that at least 40 Nicaraguan journalists are threatened, harassed and persecuted by government supporters.

Teachers from state universities denounce unjustified dismissals for supporting demonstrations against the Government.

Monsignor Carlos Aviles, mediator and witness of the Verification and Security Commission of the National Dialogue, informs that the fieldwork was suspended because the Government stopped responding to requests.

Lucy Valenti, president of the National Chamber of Tourism of Nicaragua (Canatur) says that 70 thousand jobs have been lost in the tourism sector, due to the crisis.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil demands that the Government of Nicaragua prosecute the real responsible ones for the crime of the Brazilian Rayneia Gabrelle da Costa Lima Rocha, a medical student of the UAM, murdered in Managua.

Supporters of the ruling party march in Managua to demand justice for what they call «victims of terrorism.»

Self- convocated residents march in Nueva Segovia, Chinandega and León to demand the release of political prisoners.

Brother of the leader of the Countrymen Movement, Medardo Mairena assures that he has been tortured and they do not allow a doctor to examine him.

Daniel Ortega, in an interview with the Russian news network RT, expresses that the countries of the Organization of American States (OAS) should not «meddle» in the internal affairs of Nicaragua.

«I hide because they want to kill me,» say young Nicaraguans who have participated in the protests and now the government is looking to criminalize them.

The Nicaraguan Association for Human Rights (ANPDH) announces the temporary closure of its offices in Nicaragua due to the permanent siege of armed groups.



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