Day 96

[vc_row type=»in_container» full_screen_row_position=»middle» scene_position=»center» text_color=»dark» text_align=»left» overlay_strength=»0.3″ shape_divider_position=»bottom»][vc_column column_padding=»no-extra-padding» column_padding_position=»all» background_color_opacity=»1″ background_hover_color_opacity=»1″ column_shadow=»none» column_border_radius=»none» width=»1/1″ tablet_text_alignment=»default» phone_text_alignment=»default» column_border_width=»none» column_border_style=»solid»][vc_column_text]Land squatters invade property in the municipality of Mateare, Managua.

The Permanent Commission of Human Rights (CPDH) reports more than 90 accusations against protestants, of which they have assumed the defense of 57 cases.

More than 500 Eucharisties celebrations are celebrated in Catholic churches in Latin America to pray for Nicaragua.

Senator Marco Rubio warns «the possibility of a civil war in Nicaragua is real.

Leonardo Boff, a Brazilian theologian, is «perplexed by the fact that a government that led the liberation of Nicaragua could imitate the practices of the former dictator.»

Supporters of the ruling party they get installed in the outskirts of El Chipote where there was the mothers of those detained illegally by the regime.

Young people from various universities in the country call for a march this Monday, July 23rd in Managua to commemorate Student’s Day.

Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua will analyze their permanence in the National Dialogue.

Daniel Aguilar, president of the National Association of Industrialists of Honduras, assures that the crisis in Nicaragua affects the production of the Honduran maquilas.

Cáritas from Spain expresses its solidarity with Cáritas of Nicaragua, the Catholic Church and the Nicaraguan people.

Monsignor Silvio Báez, auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Managua, assures that they are willing to continue collaborating with the National Dialogue because they do not feel disqualified.

Sources from the IDB, CABEI and the World Bank point out that they are monitoring events in Nicaragua.

Sergio Ramírez the crisis in Nicaragua «is a terminal situation for a regime that exhausted its political possibilities and has only the repression instrument»

Laura Chinchilla, former president of Costa Rica, assures that Nicaragua and Venezuela are taken by the mafias.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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