Day 59

[vc_row type=»in_container» full_screen_row_position=»middle» scene_position=»center» text_color=»dark» text_align=»left» overlay_strength=»0.3″ shape_divider_position=»bottom»][vc_column column_padding=»no-extra-padding» column_padding_position=»all» background_color_opacity=»1″ background_hover_color_opacity=»1″ column_shadow=»none» column_border_radius=»none» width=»1/1″ tablet_text_alignment=»default» phone_text_alignment=»default» column_border_width=»none» column_border_style=»solid»][vc_column_text]Nicaragua paralyzed against the regime of President Daniel Ortega in a historic day of national unity.

Today, starts again the table of National Dialogue, the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy, will insist on the immediate cessation of repression, justice for the victims and in a definition of the democratization agenda.

Parapolice groups guarded by police attack eastern neighborhoods of Managua this morning. Residents report kidnapping of several young people.

The number of people killed keep increasing. At least five people killed and several injured in attacks by parapolice groups in León, Nagarote, Tipitapa and Bilwi – North Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region.

Hooded individuals who were mobilized on a motorcycle killed a young man shot a bullet in his neck, in Pantasma, Jinotega.

Erika Guevara-Rosas, regional director of Amnesty International, affirms that Nicaragua is experiencing a «very grave human rights crisis».

Juan Sebastián Chamorro, Funides executive director, José Adán Aguerri, president of Cosep and Luis Murillo, economist, affirm that the national strike, beyond economic losses, leaves a clear message to the government.

Starts the plenary session of the National Dialogue with two points in the agenda: Human Rights and Democratization. In the first one, there is an urge for the presence of the UN, the IACHR and the European Union.

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) urges OAS member states to monitor the progress of the National Dialogue, and in the event of a new suspension, request the OAS Secretary General to convoke the Permanent Council to propose a peaceful solution.

A group of Nicaraguan nationalized Americans request the United States government to designate sanctions through the Global Magnitsky Act, to a 32 people linked to the Ortega regime, including seven of his 9 children.

Carlos Fernando Chamorro, director of Grupo Promedia, affirms that Nicaraguans have the last historic opportunity to implement a lasting democratic change, with justice and without impunity, and proposes four premises.

First part of the National Dialogue without consensus, among the participant sectors.

Motorized hoods burst into the industrial park Astro Cartón, in Tipitapa, they threaten to loot and burn the facilities if they do not cease operations.

Álvaro Leiva, executive secretary of the Nicaraguan Association for Human Rights (ANPDH), updates the death toll and ensures that the number of victims reaches 200.

New attack by riot police and parapolice groups in Jinotepe. Demonstrators were repressed with bullets and tear gas bombs.

The Jesuit José Alberto Idiáquez, Head Master of the Central American University of Nicaragua, assures that President Daniel Ortega will go down in history as an assassin.

Vice President Rosario Murillo, in her noon appearance, qualifies the citizen protests as tenebrous and dark practices.

Elizabeth Henríquez, leader of Yatama, assures that the clashes in Bilwi, North Caribbean, left a tragic final balance of five dead and more than 20 injured.

The Civil population in León informs that they will maintain the strike in that city and calls out to strengthen the barricades and to expand them by neighborhood and by block.

The Mediation and Witness Commission of the National Dialogue communicates that during the session today, there was progress made on the first point of the agenda on human rights: acceptance of the presence of the IACHR, the UN, the EU and the OAS.

Night attack by parapolice groups against residents of León.

Self-convoked protesters in Boaco detained two people posing as promoters of the Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights (Cenidh).

Sonia Castro, Minister of Health denies that hospitals have denied medical attention to victims of repression. «The Health System provides care to the people without distinction of class, political color, age, circumstance, sex, of any kind.»

More than 400 barricades were erected in León to prevent the tours of parapolice groups.

Violeta Granera, president of the Broad Front for Democracy (FAD) opines that although an important advance was achieved at the National Dialogue table, the guard should go down or take of the blocked roads.

Young Nicaraguans denounce in Spain the «accumulation of violence» and the «systematic violation of human rights» that the country is living.

The Federation of Agricultural and Agro industrial Chambers of Central America, Panama and the Dominican Republic (Fecagro) regrets the situation of violence in Nicaragua.

At least 10 agents leave the police stations of La Trinidad and San Nicolás in Estelí.

Francisca Ramirez, leader of the Countrymen Movement, does not accept the removal of the blocked roads until President Daniel Ortega leaves office.

The Congress of Deputies of Madrid urges the government of their country to support the work of social organizations and human rights in Nicaragua to guarantee the life, integrity and security of the demonstrators, as well as supporting the National Dialogue.

To date 200 murdered[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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