Day 127

Kevin K. Sullivan, nominated as the United States ambassador to Nicaragua, assures that, if confirmed, he will support early, fair elections, with international observation as well as an investigation into the acts of violence that have occurred in the country.

President Daniel Ortega increases siege against journalists national and international in Nicaragua.

The Nicaraguan Medical Association (AMN) denounces the dismissal of 240 doctors for supporting anti-government protests.

Terroristas, mendigos y homicidas are the qualifiers with which the Government of Venezuela and Nicaragua qualifies young people who have risen in peaceful struggle against the regime of both countries.

Zoilamérica Murillo, daughter of the Vice President of Nicaragua, Rosario Murillo, states that «nobody would want to have a murderer as the woman who gave you birth.»

The Nicaraguan Association for Human Rights (ANPDH) rejects the falsehoods contained in the evaluation report on the «biased execution of the IACHR», presented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

National Police captures Santiago Fajardo, brother of the political prisoner and student leader of the April 19 Movement Masaya, Christian Fajardo.

Public Ministry accuses of simple kidnapping, organized crime, obstruction of public service and torture of four citizens of Diriamba, Carazo who participated in protests against the Government.

Family members of lawyer Carlos Cárdenas Zepeda, former adviser to the CEN, report that he is being held at Las Celdas de El Chipote.

Marcos Carmona, secretary of the Permanent Commission of Human Rights (PCHR) confirms that paramilitaries raped a young protester from the interior of the country.

Carlos Pastora, general manager of Canal 10, takes refuge in the Honduran Embassy in Managua after immigration arrest order against him.

The Government’s Financial Analysis Unit (UAF) analyzes the financial movements of Carlos Pastora, general manager of Canal 10, whom they accuse of alleged actions to launder assets and transfer unlawfully acquired assets.

Channel 10 press staff assures that the Action 10 news that is transmitted through this media channel has not changed its editorial line.

The Government of Nicaragua squanders millions of Cordobas on marches and counter-marches to delegitimize the civic struggle of the self-convoked population.

Government of Costa Rica installs Situation Room to monitor the permanent flow of migrants on the border with Nicaragua.


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