Day 111

Arturo Cruz, former Nicaraguan ambassador in Washington, assures that the government of President Daniel Ortega is worn out and that since June 2016 relations between Nicaragua and the United States have been deteriorated.

Family of Diriamba denounces that one of their children has disappeared since July 12 and the other is illegally detained accused of terrorism, organized crime, kidnapping and torture.

Guillermo Fernández-Maldonado, coordinator of the UN mission for Human Rights, assures that they have not received the information they have requested from the Government of Nicaragua.

Government of Nicaragua withdraws more than four billion Cordobas (147.9 million dollars) from the Central Bank of Nicaragua to pay for public spending during the crisis.

Andrés González Díaz, Ambassador of Colombia to the OAS believes that «the performance of the OAS is the fulfillment of an obligation and a political and ethical duty due to the serious violations of human rights and not an act of interference».

Ghost hotels. The sociopolitical crisis that Nicaragua is going through wiped out the tourism industry, highlights a report by the Guardian newspaper.

Fidel Moreno, one of the officials sanctioned with the Magnitsky Global Law, renounces the presidency of the board of directors of the Real Estelí football team.

The administration of the Dennis Martinez National Stadium declares non-gratos the sports writers Yader Valle and Miguel Mendoza whom they accuse of false and unfounded accusations against the staff of that sports center.

The Permanent Commission of Human Rights (CPDH) declares that there are 132 political prisoners prosecuted without the guarantees of due process for demonstrating against the dictatorship.

The Latin American Federation of Schools of Society Jesus asks the governments of the region to demand a cessation of repression in Nicaragua and that conditions be established to guarantee the right to education.

Representatives of the Meseni and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (Acnudh) meet with human rights organizations in Nicaragua to address the situation of threats to activists in the country.

National Police accuses teacher Olesia Auxiliadora Muñoz Pavón, originally from Masaya, of terrorism, financing of terrorism, organized crime and obstruction of public services.

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