Day 107

The Guatemalan Congress approved a resolution point in which it rejects violence and repression in Nicaragua and urges all parties to resume the National Dialogue.


The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) asked the Government of Nicaragua for the official list of deaths during the protests, as it accused them of lying and fabricating dead bodies.


Ministry of Health illegally dismisses eight doctors in Masaya.


The Permanent Commission of Human Rights (CPDH) denounces theft in its facilities and ensures that the objective was to extract information from the work carried out by this human rights organization.


University students stand up outside the Central American University (UCA) to demand the allocation of the 6% constitutional that the CNU has not transferred.


The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) verifies persecution and criminalization by the State against protesters, opponents and people who participated in the protests.


The National Council of Universities (CNU) announces the normalization of disbursements of the 6% to all the universities that by law receive this funding.


OAS approves, with 20 votes in favor, the creation of a special commission that will contribute to look for a peaceful solutions to the crisis in Nicaragua.

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