Day 108

Catholic Church of Costa Rica asks their country government to implement a special migratory strategy that responds to the consequences of the sociopolitical crisis in Nicaragua.

The Nicaraguan Medical Association (AMN) denounces the arbitrary dismissal of 135 doctors in public hospitals.

Policía Nacional encarcela a tres hermanos en Jinotepe for supporting the protests against the government with their music.

Public Ministry accuses four university students in Matagalpa of terrorism, obstruction of public services, aggravated robbery, kidnapping, extortion and torture.

US Congressmen request the administration of President Donald Trump to sanction under the Magnitsky Global Law six people from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico for acts of corruption.

National Police arrested Raúl Oporta, former mayor candidate of San Lorenzo, Boaco, who was in the barracks and in protests against the government.

Francisco Palmieri, Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs of the United States, believes that «there is a framework for dialogue in Nicaragua. The leadership of the Church has support from the United States. »

Public Ministry accused Pierson Gutiérrez of the murder and illegal possession of a firearm, presumed responsible for the one of the medical student of Brazilian origin.

A group of women from Matagalpa protest in front of the Supreme Court of Justice to demand the release of their relatives.

The singer-songwriter Carlos Mejía Godoy took refuge in Costa Rica for fear of retaliation, «I had to leave Nicaragua because my life was in danger.»

Journalists hold a demonstration in Managua to denounce the repression and siege that they have been victims of during the three months of protests.

Students from the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN) denounce the disappearance of a student who participated in a stood up for 6% in the UCA.

Rosario Murillo, vice president of Nicaragua, reports the death of a government supporter in Somoto.

Residents of Niquinohomo, Masaya denounce kidnappings in broad daylight perpetrated by hooded groups.

Unknown persons burst into ex-military houses in Jinotepe, Carazo.

IACHR grants precautionary measures to representatives of the private sector, members of the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy who have received threats, intimidation and harassment.

The situation in Nicaragua worries progressive sectors in Latin America that once supported the struggle against Somoza and they are disconcerted as former comrades of Ortega today call him «dictator» and compare him without half-measures with Somoza.



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